Independent schools are not normally inspected by Ofsted as state schools are. Instead, we are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), which is appointed by the Department for Education.

This means their findings are independent and objective, set against the context of a large number of private schools in England.

Download our latest inspection report (2022) or see below for a summary of the ISI’s key findings for our Senior School. You can also see the report for our Prep/Pre-Prep.

Quality of education provided

Academic achievements

The quality of our students’ academic and other achievements is excellent. They achieve a very high standard of attainment, both in their academic work and in their activities outside the classroom. They show an innate curiosity for learning and a strong determination to achieve success. They are highly articulate communicators, both verbally and in written work. Our students make excellent progress with their learning, and display an outstanding attitude towards their work

Personal development

Our students show a strong commitment towards supporting the wider community. They exhibit outstanding social development and are very supportive of one another. They are self-confident and highly aspirational. The majority of our students show excellent self-awareness and are honest about themselves, understanding how they should behave. They also display excellent initiative in celebrating the non-material aspects of life in school.

The required standards are all met.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Our school actively promotes principles and values which support the personal development of students as responsible, tolerant, law-abiding citizens.

The required standards are all met.

Welfare and health & safety of pupils

We safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils according to current statutory guidance:

  • We promote good behaviour
  • We prevent bullying, as far as reasonably practicable
  • We meet health and safety standards, including fire safety
  • We make provision for first aid
  • Students are properly supervised
  • We maintain admission and attendance registers
  • We take a strategic approach to risk assessment
  • We have a disability access plan in place

The required standards are all met.

Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors

We make the all checks needed to ensure the suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors.

The required standards are all met.

Premises and accommodation

Our premises are maintained to a standard in keeping with health and safety, while our acoustics and lighting are appropriate. Suitable outdoor space is also provided for physical education and outdoor play. We offer suitable facilities for the following:

  • Toilets
  • Changing
  • Showering
  • Medical and therapy needs

The required standards are all met.

Quality of leadership and management

Our leadership and management demonstrate good skills and knowledge, fulfilling their responsibilities effectively. They actively promote the wellbeing of our students.

The required standards are all met.