When our students move on to university or their careers, they soon realise that while they may have left Elstree, they never truly leave Habs.

Within Habs Girls and Habs Boys, our alumni are known as ‘Old Haberdashers’, with the bonds formed as students lasting a lifetime. It is not unusual to have Old Haberdashers come back for a 50-year reunion in the company of a close friend made in class, or with a spouse they met on the school coach.

Old Haberdashers are also part of a wide network of fellow alumni of all ages and from all walks of life, with whom they form an instant connection. In fact, many Old Haberdashers find mentors, future colleagues and friends through the Old Haberdasher network.

Many also give back to their old school, and not just philanthropically. Old Haberdashers return to give career talks, conduct mock university interviews, offer work placements and much more.