We offer all the advantages of a superb single-sex education, plus all the benefits of a happy community and a fabulous co-educational campus.

Our academic results place us among the very highest performing schools in the UK.

Joining our Senior School

Every day, we welcome around 800 senior day students aged 11-18. From Year 7 to Year 11, there are typically five classes in each year.

Students join our Senior School at 11+ (Year 7) or through an occasional place in another year group. They can then progress to our Sixth Form.

We award scholarships to students who excel in our admission tests and interviews. We also provide bursaries for families who would not otherwise be able to send their child to Habs Girls

Our approach

Academic learning is important, but there is so much more to life. We know we are preparing our students for lives and careers that will demand a strong moral compass, resilience, empathy, the ability to create solutions and to lead.

We do this by celebrating our values, charity support, assembly programme, form time and personal, social, health education (PSHE). We stress the importance of mental and physical health and wellbeing, with a strong pastoral care programme in place.

As they progress through the year groups, all students are prepared for life beyond school. They get ready for Sixth Form, head for university and their future careers. We offer a broad programme of co-curricular activities, helping them become fully-rounded people with diverse interests and skills. We also believe in personal responsibility and learning from our mistakes.

Our diverse community

We are proud of the wide range of cultures, backgrounds and beliefs our students represent. It forms a valuable preparation for life and work in a diverse, globalised world.

We help our students to know, understand and be themselves. We celebrate the contribution of everyone, across all races, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, cultures, social strata and disabilities.

We also work closely with Habs Boys, creating opportunities for friendship and learning in a familiar, safe and supportive setting.

Find out more about our diversity and inclusion

The school day

8.00amSchool grounds open
8.35am - 8.45amRegistration
8.45am - 9.15amPeriod 0 (Tutor time, assemblies or PSHE)
9.15am - 10.15amPeriod 1
10.15am - 10.35amBreak
10.35am - 11.35amPeriod 2
11.40am - 12.40pmPeriod 3
12.40pm - 1.55pmLunch and co-curricular activities
1.55pm - 2.55pmPeriod 4
3.00pm - 4.00pmPeriod 5 Lessons end and after-school activities begin
4.15pmCoaches depart for students not involved in after-school activities
5.30pm Late coaches depart

As part of our pastoral care, we make sure there is plenty of time for your child to interact with their tutor. Starting lessons from 9.15am, we also have an extended lunchtime so that students can take a break and enjoy a nutritious meal.

Most students travel to and from school using our extensive coach service, run jointly with Habs Boys. We also run a late coach service to many areas following after-school activities.

Student leadership

Student voice is integral to the school improvement in partnership with staff. For our students to flourish beyond school, they will need to develop their leadership skills and experience and so we create opportunities for all students to grow in this area from Reception through to Year 13.

Through the development of leadership, students:

  • Understand their personal strengths, values, passion, and interests
  • Are able to articulate their personal definition of leadership
  • Are able to articulate their thoughts, aims and ideas clearly and effectively to others
  • Understand group dynamics and exhibit the ability to work with others who are different
  • Understand how to work effectively as part of a team, and be an inclusive leader, who values other people’s opinions even when they disagree.
  • Understand the role Equity, Diversity and Inclusion play in leadership
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills and the process for decision-making
  • Understand the importance of research and data to support a proposal and can articulate research findings to others

Many students will have the opportunity to participate in activities within the classroom that are designed to build and develop their leadership skills. For example, working collaboratively on a project with a ‘Project Manager’, presenting to the rest of their class, and in debating.

There are also lots of opportunities for students to lead assemblies within both whole-school and in Section/ Year Group assemblies.


When students join us in Year 7, they are each allocated an Amiga in Year 8. They act as a buddy and help the new students to settle into life at the Senior School. We do fun tasks in Form time so they can get to know each other, but they can also meet up informally at breaks and lunchtimes.

Form Captains

In Years 7-11, each form elects two Form Captain and in Year 12, one Form Rep. They are required to demonstrate leadership skills, administrative skills and take a lead in maintaining a positive and respectful environment within their Form.

New Form Captains are elected every full term in Year 8 to Year 12, in Year 7 Form Captains are elected in the Autumn Term and stay in post throughout the Autumn Term and the Spring Term, new Form Captains are then elected for the Summer Term.

Student Voice Reps

A single person for each Year Group, from Year 7 to Year 12 will be elected by their peers and staff members to be Student Voice Representative for their year group. These Representatives will be responsible for communicating with the Form Captains in their year group regularly, and raising key points brought to their attention at Student Voice Committee Meetings, which are chaired by our Assistant Heads Pastoral and Academic, who then feedback to the Senior Leadership Team. In effect, this is our School Council.

Peer Mentoring

Students from Year 10 to Year 13 are asked to volunteer to become peer mentors. They are given the option to choose whether their skills would be best suited for academic mentoring or pastoral mentoring, or both, working across both the Senior and Junior Schools.
Peer mentors receive training from members of the Senior Leadership Team.

Academic mentors may be called upon to support Heads of Department with events, for example, Open Day, and likewise, Pastoral Mentors may be asked to support Heads of Section and Heads of Year.

House Responsibilities

The House system provides many different opportunities for students to take on leadership responsibilities from Year 7 through to Year 13.

Each House has a House Captain in Year 13.

Form Prefects

Two Year 13 students are appointed to be the Form Prefects for each year group from Years 6-10. They liaise closely with the Head of Year to which they are appointed to organise events, support the Tutoring programme and to arrange Thought for the Day slides as required. They act as mentors to the students within their year group, supporting individual students as instructed by the Head of Year.

Academic Societies

Each Academic Society has a leadership committee to help to run and promote the society, as well as taking a leading role in the Young Society. Most societies have a President, who leads the society with a team of a Vice-President, Secretary, Publicity Officer and Membership officer.

Senior Prefects

The Senior Prefect Team is made up of a Head Prefect, two Deputy Head Prefects, Junior School Prefect, Middle School Prefect, Upper School Prefect, Sixth Form Prefect and the Sports Captain. They meet with the Headmistress on a weekly basis and are responsible for representing the student body to the Senior Leadership Team. They attend and organise events on behalf of and to support the student body, and mentor younger students in leadership roles.


Student leadership training is adapted to be relevant to the age range of children involved and the specific roles they hold. By the end of Year 13, all students should have some experience of/ training in:

  • theories of leadership
  • collaboration and how to work effectively in a team
  • effective communication and use of social media
  • understanding their own motivation e.g. through coaching
  • accountability

Senior Prefects, Partnerships, Academic Societies Training is likely to include:

  • Safeguarding
  • Presentation Skills
  • Managing upwards
  • Coaching
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Accountability and action planning

Coach Stewards also have safeguarding training.

Our Principles of Selection for All Roles

  • Transparency
  • Fairness
  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Appropriate and sensitive feedback
  • A clear timeframe

Beyond the classroom

Our students are encouraged to get involved in the huge range of activities outside the classroom. There are opportunities to join clubs and activities, to do Duke of Edinburgh awards, to go on trips, plus get involved in sport and performance music and drama.

Certain times of the week are dedicated to particular activities:

  • On Wednesday afternoons, Year 11 and Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13) students can choose from a wide range of mixed-age fitness and sports activities.
  • On Friday afternoons, students from Year 10 to Year 13 can pursue a wide range of exciting courses, awards and activities – including Combined Cadet Force (CCF), Arts Award, partnerships, CREST Award, robotics and many more.
Beyond the classroom

Looking ahead

The hallmark of a Habs student is to look ahead, not behind. We help to prepare students for the future, whether preparing for Sixth Form, university or their career.

There is a real enthusiasm and excitement for learning here. We promote independent thought, setting practical and problem-solving tasks to help students develop deep understanding while encouraging discussion and debate.