We offer all the advantages of a superb single-sex education, along with all the benefits of a fabulous co-educational campus.
We work closely with our Girls’ Senior School and Boys’ Prep School, creating opportunities for friendship and learning in a familiar, safe and supportive setting.
We are situated on one side of the girls’ buildings, surrounded by wide-open spaces, including our Forest School, Outdoor tipi classroom, sports fields and other nature spaces just waiting to be explored.
We open our Junior School doors to over 300 girls every day, aged from four to 11.
There are two classes in each year, from Reception through to Year 6.
We welcome new students in 4+ (Reception) or 7+ (Year 3), or via an occasional place in another year group.
We prepare our students for lives and careers which will demand a strong moral compass, resilience, empathy, the ability to create solutions and to lead. We instil a genuine love of learning within the classroom, encouraging curiosity and ambition which leads to academic excellence.
This journey of growth begins from the start of a Habs education within our Junior School, where we help our students to understand and relate to the world beyond their family and school.
We do this by celebrating our values, through our charity support, our assembly programme, form time and our tailored Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. With a strong pastoral care programme, we discuss the importance of mental and physical health and wellbeing.
We believe in personal responsibility, learning from our mistakes and restorative justice.
Habs Girls is proud of the very wide range of cultures, backgrounds and beliefs our students represent. We believe it is valuable preparation for life and work in a diverse society and a globalised world.
We support our students to know themselves, and be themselves. We celebrate the contribution of everyone, across all races, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, cultures, social strata and disabilities.
Students from Year 1 to Year 6 are elected onto our Student Voice by their peers, representing their various views to the wider school.
Whilst the Junior School girls are taught in a single-sex environment, we are fortunate to be situated on a co-educational campus, which allows for frequent collaboration with Habs’ Boys Prep School.
The single-sex taught environment allows our students to excel in an academic environment free from gender expectations, yet it is important for the girls to be able to work alongside, and build relationships with boys.
Time | Lesson |
7.30am | Breakfast club |
8.00am | School grounds open |
8.35am - 8.45am | Registration |
8.45am - 9.15am | Period 0 (Monday Whole School Assembly) |
9.15am - 9.45am | Period 1 |
9.45am - 10.15am | Period 2 (Wednesday Phase Assembly) |
10.15am - 10.35am | Break |
10.35am - 11.05am | Period 3 |
11.05am - 11.40am | Period 4 |
11.40am - 12.10pm | Period 5 |
12.10pm - 1.20pm | Lunch and co-curricular activities |
1.20pm - 1.25pm | Registration |
1.25pm - 1.55pm | Period 6 (Friday Whole School Assembly) |
1.55pm - 2.25pm | Period 7 |
2.25pm - 2.55pm | Period 8 |
2.55pm - 3.25pm | Period 9a |
3.25pm - 4.00pm | Period 9b |
4.00pm - 5.30pm | After-school activities and Afterschool care |
4.15pm | Coaches depart for students not involved in after-school activities |
5.30pm | Late coaches depart |
From Year 3 onwards, pupils can travel to and from school using our extensive coach service, run jointly with Habs Boys. For our youngest pupils we have a mini bus route running from north London.
Student voice is integral to the school improvement in partnership with staff. For our students to flourish beyond school, they will need to develop their leadership skills and experience and so we create opportunities for all students to grow in this area from Reception through to Year 13.
Through the development of leadership, students:
Many students will have the opportunity to participate in activities within the classroom that are designed to build and develop their leadership skills. For example, working collaboratively on a project with a ‘Project Manager’, presenting to the rest of their class, and in debating.
There are also lots of opportunities for students to lead assemblies within both whole-school and in Section/ Year Group assemblies.
In the Junior School, roles of responsibility are an integral part of nurturing leadership and personal growth among students, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate and contribute.
Eight Year 6 House Captains (two for each House) are democratically elected by all students within the Junior School at the start of each academic year. These captains are responsible for running half-termly House Assemblies, as well as leading their House during House Events throughout the year.
All Year 6 students are given a prefect responsibility, which is related to a particular academic subject or aspect of school life.
One student voice representative is elected from each class from Years 1- 6. Student Voice meetings take place every week and provide students across the Junior School the opportunity to share their views on aspects of school life.
Two eco council representatives are elected from each class from Years 1-6 (one student represents the class until the end of Spring 1, and then the other until the end of Summer 2). Meetings take place weekly, and give students the opportunity to lead on issues of sustainability and conservation within the school.
All new Reception students are assigned a ‘buddy from Year 5 to help guide and support them during their first weeks of school, and help them acclimatise to life at Habs. All Year 5 students have the opportunity to be a ‘buddy.’ New students joining in Year 3 are assigned a ‘buddy’ from their own class.
Two Form Captains are elected by their peers termly in Years 3 and above, and these students are given additional leadership responsibilities by their class teacher, within the classroom.
PE staff select Year 6 students yearly to become Sports Captains in a range of sports.
To encourage positive role modelling and inclusion, class teachers in Reception may, at an appropriate stage in the year, assign additional classroom responsibilities such as book monitor or cloakroom monitor. This ensures that students of all ages have opportunities to lead, engage with their peers, and develop confidence and a sense of accountability within the school community.