The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Elstree Schools’ Foundation is a registered charity (charity number 1107027).
This means you can choose to add Gift Aid when you donate, thereby increasing the value of your donations by 25% – at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is a significant source of income for us and we are grateful for all Gift Aid declarations received.
To use the Gift Aid scheme, you need to be a UK taxpayer.
You will need to make a Gift Aid declaration for the Habs Foundation to be able to claim Gift Aid on your donation.
HMRC allows charities to reclaim 25p in Gift Aid for every £1 donated by eligible supporters. This means that by making a Gift Aid declaration, the value of your donations will automatically increase by 25%.
For example, if you make a Gift Aided donation of £1,000, the Habs Foundation can claim a further £250 from HMRC:
In terms of what the Habs Foundation will receive in Gift Aid, this works exactly as for lower-rate taxpayers. Yet for higher-rate taxpayers, there is also a further benefit to you.
Higher-rate taxpayers can claim back (from HMRC) the difference between the higher tax you pay and the basic rate which applies to your donation. So if you donate £1,000, the Habs Foundation can claim back £250 as usual, making your donation worth £1,250. However, since you pay 40% tax (for example), you can personally claim back £250 (£1,250 x 20%).
If you choose, you can factor this into the amount that you donate.
To receive this tax relief, you must include all of your Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code.
Please complete the Gift Aid form below (web form).
Or please download, complete and return the following form:
This form can be provided to us after you’ve made your donation; it does not have to accompany it. You can cancel this declaration at any time. Please see the Habs Foundation privacy notice.