Earlier in the Spring Term, Upper Sixth A Level Art students were taken by the Art department on a two-night residential to Liverpool.
The students visited many exciting galleries and exhibitions which helped inform their own personal projects. The highlight for many was the visit to the Tate Museum to see the Turner Prize winners, who the students are looking to explore within their study theme of Simple or Complex.
Betsy (U6 DYV) said: “It was a very interesting exhibition as it showcased four new artists, Heather Philipson, Ingrid Pollard, Veronica Ryan and Sin Wai Kin, who all have very distinctive styles and explore a range of themes. A favourite of mine was Sin Wai Kin who is a visual artist who creates striking work, based in performance and print.”
The following day, the students visited the Open Eye photography gallery to see the work of Craig Easton, who explored identity in his series of portrait photography on people living in Bank Top. The group also saw Craig Easton’s exhibition Thatcher’s Children, a poignant reflection on the effects of growing up in poverty. The students later visited An Encirclement of Space, an exhibition of the work of Michael Brennand-Wood. The trip finished with the statues by Anthony Gormley on Crosby beach.
The residential trip was a fantastic experience for our Art students and inspired plenty of new projects and ideas for the future!
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