To help our students and community live happier, healthier and longer, we are improving our sports offer even more this year. Having just celebrated its fifth birthday, HabsDash is one of our most fun and popular events, lead every week by the incredible Mr Broadwith!
New Course, new chapter
A weekly 3.5km inclusive event, HabsDash brings together students and staff from both schools. Our new Unity Project course takes in the entire Girls’ and Boys’ School campus. ‘Cheering in the Girls’ School was great – talk about unity’, remarked one participant.
The Unity Project route
The new course begins outside Habs Boys Medburn Centre and moves through the Black Gates towards the Habs Girls Junior School Playground and Dining Hall. Crossing the Boulevard, the route re-enters the Boys’ School before looping back and finishing by the Girls’ School Croquet Path. ‘People are comparing it to running past the Cutty Sark on the London Marathon,’ said one entrant. ‘The crowd, atmosphere and runners were amazing.’
What else has changed?
As part of the celebrations, we also switched to a new system where entrants can compete as part of a larger ‘House Party’. Made up of 35 runners or more, each House Party gets their own name, colour and logo. We even changed our starting waves, naming each one after a planet. This allows Year 7 and 8 students to run in the same wave as others from their franchise.
More major milestones
On top of countless personal bests, we also handed out lots of honours, including 100 Mile Club, Double Marathon, Half Marathon and Red skull awards. As for House Party rankings, it is incredibly close between the Purple Panthers, Blue Sharks, Red Foxes and Green Dragons.
Thanks to all who took part and here is to the next five years of bringing the community together
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