The highly respected Arkwright Engineering Scholarship, designed to inspire and equip the next generation of UK engineering talent has recently released the names of the Scholarship students for 2023-2025. Sabrina L6 has been successful this year from the Girls’ School. This bring the total number of Scholars in the past twenty + years to 39. Congratulations also to Alex L6C1 and Niccolo L6S2 from the Boys’ School.
This esteemed scholarships are awarded to bright and aspiring 16-year-old students from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, with an increasing number being award to females in the constant effort to encourage women into Engineering.
For over 30 years, the Scholarship has provided young people in the UK with a fully sponsored programme of hands-on experience, professional mentorship and careers guidance throughout their A-levels and Scottish Higher qualifications.
The engineering industry plays an essential role in the ongoing development of a diverse pipeline of future engineering talent that will pave the way for greater innovation and help sustain the nation’s development and economic well-being – however, skilled engineers are in short supply.
With women currently accounting for just 22 per cent of the STEM workforce, the Arkwright Engineering Programme aims to close the gender gap and support young people from all backgrounds with the skills and confidence to change the world through engineering.
Arkwright Engineering Scholars benefit from financial support, professional mentorship, exclusive networking opportunities and real-world learning experiences with leading engineering firms such as the IET, the RAF, Rolls Royce and Network Rail. The enrichment experiences offer students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in different engineering specialisms and discover a wide range of exciting career paths, from aerospace to robotics.
The programme aims to break down the misconceptions which some young people may have around working in STEM and offer exposure to inspiring female engineering role models, as scholars get to experience first-hand the positive impact which engineering can have on society.
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