Year 6 had an absolute blast working on their play, ‘Madagascar – A Musical Adventure’. Putting on a show as a year group is not an easy task. Everyone in year 6 was involved in the show, whether it was on stage or as part of our technical crew. Rehearsing for over just one week, we saw year 6 rise to the challenge and throw themselves into it.
They weren’t afraid to offer ideas with regards to choreography and staging during the rehearsals. Year 6 developed a range of skills including teamwork, resilience, dealing with pressure, creativity, performance and dance skills.
The costumes were absolutely incredible. Here is a note from our seamstress, Mary Galvin:
With 75 parts and 49 pupils, the costumes for Madagascar are all about the hats (56), tails (35) and accessories. The majority of girls have a basic, black uniform of leggings and t shirts which makes it easy to change quickly from one character to another by adding or taking away a hat, tail, waistcoat or jacket. Many pairs of large luminous googly eyes were added to the headwear as I wanted to keep to the cartoonish nature of the film. Some of the costumes were in stock, having been made or donated for earlier productions but the vast majority of animal accessories were made specifically for Madagascar. One notable exception was the giraffe head which I made for a production about Noah in 2004! Keeping track of all these separate bits and making sure every girl had the right thing at the right time is challenging, to say the least.
My thanks go to Sarah Deamer and Georgia Randhawa for their help.
It has been a real joy for the production team to work on the play with such an enthusiastic and talented bunch of children. We have all created memories that will last a lifetime. We couldn’t be prouder of them!
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