After two years of not being able to perform due to COVID the Drama department have been back with two productions this year.

In the Autumn Term we saw students from Year 10 to 13 perform ‘The Glove Thief’ and last week we were back in late 16th and early 17th century England with Morgan Lloyd Malcom’s fabulous new play, ‘Emilia!’; a powerful and challenging piece celebrating stories and voices that have not been given space on our stages. Emilia Bassano may (or may not) have been the so-called ‘dark lady’ from Shakesepare’s sonnets, but she certainly wrote a huge amount of passionate and often angry poetry and drama – perhaps she was the first truly feminist writer?

Over 120 students from Year 8 to 12 took part in this enormous show and Mr Janes and Mr Baum created a spectacular set, reminding us of the Globe Theatre (a setting used in the play) , along with a revolving stage which certainly added an exciting edge to the overall production. Mrs Deamer’s costumes were beautiful and were supported by authentic hair and make-up with a team or 25 students led by Mrs Healer. Wonderful choreography by Mr Shorey was also a highlight of this visually appealing show. We were entertained by live music and singing led by students and Mrs Wallace’s concept and ideas were supported and developed in rehearsals by Ms Bridgeman-Williams and Mr Thakerar.

Huge congratulations to all involved