This year at Habs we will be running a Telephone Campaign from 29 August to 11 September. Look out for your call from a recent leaver and enjoy reliving your days at Habs, perhaps offering some career guidance and hearing about all our recent news.
Our team of student callers will be employed during this time to phone members of our Habs community to talk to you about the School and what Old Haberdashers have gone on to do since leaving. They will also explain some of the current funding priorities which are enhancing the academic experience of current and future Habs students.
We hope you will enjoy chatting about your own experience of Habs through this call. Our recent leavers can’t wait to tell you about life and developments at the School, as well as about ways you can become more involved. You may also find out about how you can support our students and the work of the School.
The student callers greatly benefit from the experience and advice of those to whom they speak and we are so grateful for the time our Habs community spend taking the call.