On Sunday 15 September over 100 students and members of staff began rehearsing as part of the first ever Joint Choral Day, preparing music for a service of Evensong. This intensive rehearsal period enabled students to learn a wide variety of music quickly before joining together as a full choir.
What followed was a visit to Trinity College in Cambridge, one of the largest and most prestigious colleges at the university, and home to one of the country’s best student choirs. Being allowed to visit and perform in Trinity’s famous chapel, which dates from the 16th century, was an enormous honour for the school and one that we are very grateful to the Master, Fellows, Dean and Chaplains for allowing.
After a rehearsal in the Chapel the choir sang a service of Evensong to a congregation consisting of parents and members of the public. Students read the lessons and the music included Bruckner’s Locus Iste, Brahms’ Geistliches Lied and a setting of the evening canticles by Dyson. Psalm 150 was sung to a setting by Stanford, who was himself Director of Music at Trinity and Professor of Music at Cambridge.
This was a musical occasion of high quality in a world-famous venue. Congratulations to all involved, especially Mr Scott and Mr Martin who directed the music at the service.
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