Congratulations to Aparna (L6 RY) who participated in ARTiculation this year.
Aparna discussed the Brihadeeswarar temple, designed by Kunjara Mallan. Aparna was commended on “allowing us to think about these places as living sites and for bringing the past and the present together, adding that this was not something that naturally comes to art historians” and was encouraged “to continue on this journey and to keep this approach at the fore of her art historical research.”
Aparna said this about her experience:
“ARTiculation was something I’d seen lots of Sixth Formers take part in through my younger years, though I never saw myself taking part, simply because I’d never really considered myself creative or artsy. But once I found out you could talk about a piece of architecture, I immediately thought of all the architecture I’d seen on my recent trip to India. It was difficult choosing, but in the end I decided to talk about the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur. It’s a place which I’m very familiar with, but never thought to stop and truly think about. I really only took it at face value, but doing this talk forced me, in the best way possible, to delve into the temple’s history, and the stories behind its art, which I’m really very grateful for. On the day, we travelled to the Courtauld Institute of Education, and I presented my 10-minute talk alongside nine other Year 12s. All-in-all, it was a beautifully enriching experience, where I not only learnt more about my own culture, and the art surrounding it, but also of a diverse variety of other artists and their work. If the opportunity ever presents itself to you, I would definitely recommend taking part in ARTiculation.”
Well done, Aparna!
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