Lana (6 Aesc) has managed to raise and incredible £2,408 for Pancreatic Cancer UK by making and selling customised bracelets. Lana’s family has sadly been affected by Pancreatic Cancer, and she decided that she wanted to take action to help others suffering with the disease.
Lana loves making bracelets, so decided she would make a customised bracelet for anyone that made a donation. After only three weeks, she smashed her initial fundraising target of £1,000 and, as of today, the current total raised is £2,408 and she has an order list of over 50 bracelets that she is steadily making in the evenings and on weekends.
As a result of her amazing initiative, the Head of Fundraising at Pancreatic Cancer UK personally got in touch with Lana and arranged to meet with her on Zoom to express her thanks and explain more about the important work PCUK does.
Lana is continuing to fundraise for this important cause, and we are extremely proud of her efforts to make a difference in the wider community.
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