Earlier in the term, an A Level Drama group performed their devised piece, The Red Ball, an adaptation of Ismith Khan’s short story. Set in Port of Spain, Trinidad, it is a story about trying to fit in, family tensions and cricket.

Om (U6S2), Kyle (U6H2), Demi (U6M2) and Manish (U6C1) created their piece of theatre by exploring the style and methodology of their chosen practitioner, Complicite. This required them to use a dynamic, playful and physical approach to their storytelling with the focus on a playful, striking stage pictures, choral movement, playing games, fluid transitions between characters and settings, celebrating theatricality (creating their own sound effects on stage and in front of the audience for example) and exploring the notion that the space and the objects in it have infinite possibilities.

In addition to their examined performance on Tuesday evening, around 400 Year 7 to 13 students, teachers and support staff were treated to additional after school and assembly performances of this delightful show.