We welcome applicants to join Habs at any of our five formal entry points: 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Occasionally, we also have spaces in other year groups. You can learn more in the Occasional Places and Overseas information sections further down.
Below, you will find a step-by-step guide to visiting our school, applying, assessments, interviews and accepting an offer.
If you are interested in your daughter joining us in September for the 4+ entry, please come and visit us at one our Open Days or at one of our School in Action days.
Joining our community in Reception offers boys an academically outstanding education filled with awe and wonder.
We offer approximately 40 Reception places each year.
We have high expectations for our students, so it is important that we ensure your son would be given the space to thrive at Habs.
Entry is for candidates aged 4 and below the age of 5 on the 1st September in the year of entry.
In the Autumn term prior to the year of entry, your child will be invited to a play-based assessment which lasts around an hour and a half.
These sessions are led by members of our teaching staff, who will help your child feel comfortable so their suitability for a place can be assessed fairly.
They will take part in a range of individual and small group activities. Children with birth months in close proximity are placed in the same group. Twins will be placed in separate groups for their assessments.
We will also request a written reference from your child’s nursery or pre-school.
There will also be an opportunity for parents to meet the Head of the Prep and Pre-Prep and other members of our Senior Leadership Team. During this time, you can ask us questions and decide if you think we are right for your son.
These meetings are also an important way for us to get to know your family, making sure our ethos and values are aligned with yours.
A select number of children will return for a second round, where they will be seen on a one-to-one basis with senior members of staff. This stage will last approximately one hour.
If you are interested in your daughter joining us in September for the 7+ entry, please come and visit us at one our Open Days or at one of our School in Action days.
Joining Habs Boys in Preparatory School
is an academically ambitious introduction to lifelong learning and interests beyond school.
Each year, we look to welcome approximately 20 new pupils to join our Year 3 cohort.
Entry is for candidates aged 7 and below the age of 8 on the 1st September in the year of entry.
In November your son will join us for a formal assessment morning which includes Reasoning, Maths and English.
Around half of the participants of the formal assessment will return for a second stage at the end of the Autumn Term.
During this time, your son will participate in an English and STEM assessment. We will be observing how they work together in groups and also individually.
There will also be an opportunity at a later date for parents to meet the Head of the Prep and other members of our Senior Leadership Team whilst your son takes part in some one-to-one activities. In the meeting, you can ask us questions and decide if you think we are right for your son.
These meetings are also an important way for us to get to know your family, making sure our ethos and values are aligned with yours.
If you are interested in your daughter joining us in September for the 11+ entry, please come and visit us at one our Open Days or at one of our School in Action days.
Joining Habs Boys in our Senior School will prepare your child for university, a career, and a fulfilling life with broad interests and abilities.
Each year, we are usually able to make around 100 places available to external candidates for entry in Year 7.
11+ deferred entry means that students in Year 6 can take our 11+ entrance exam and – if offered a place –defer their place until Year 9 (age 13) rather than entering in Year 7.
Entry is for candidates aged 11 and below the age of 12 on the 1st September in the year of entry.
Although our Senior School remains predominantly an 11+ school, if your child attends a school that finishes at the end of Year 8, you may register for 11+ deferred entry.
If your child is offered a deferred place, there will be no further tests. However, we will need a satisfactory reference or report provided by their Headteacher, confirming acceptable standards of achievement and behaviour.
If your child is unsuccessful at 11+, they are welcome to reapply for 13+ (Year 9) entry.
Please find out more about the 13+ assessments.
Your son will sit a 90-minute computer-based 11+ entrance assessment covering:
Sample tests are not provided, but we will send you a familiarisation test just before the exam.
On the basis of the exam results, around half of the candidates are invited to come back for interview. Your child will not need to bring anything with them (such as books, projects or other work).
On the same day, we ask that one or both of parents also attend for an informal opportunity to meet members of our leadership team. These meetings are an important way for us to get to know your family and to ensure that our ethos and values are aligned with yours.
Means-tested financial support is available to those joining us at 11+ who would greatly benefit from attending Habs, but for financial reasons would be unable to make an application.
A place will first need to be offered, based on students meeting the assessment criteria for their entry point.
Families will need to prove financial need by completing a confidential statement of income.
It is possible to gain access to financial support and be offered a scholarship simultaneously.
More about our financial support.
11+ scholarships are available for academic ability, art, design technology, drama, music and sports.
It is possible to hold a scholarship and gain financial support simultaneously.
More about our scholarships.
If you are interested in your daughter joining us in September for the 13+ entry, please come and visit us at one our Open Days or at one of our School in Action days.
Joining Habs Boys in our Senior School will prepare your child for university, a career, and a fulfilling life with broad interests and abilities.
Each year, we are able to make around 20 Year 9 places available to external candidates.
Entry is for candidates aged 13 and below the age of 14 on the 1st September in the year of entry.
Your child will sit written entrance exams covering the following subjects :
Candidates who are successful in the first round assessments are invited for an interview. Your child will not need to bring anything with them (such as books, projects or other work).
On the same day, we ask that one or both parents also attend for an informal opportunity to meet members of our leadership team. These meetings are an important way for us to get to know your family and to ensure that our ethos and values are aligned with yours.
Means-tested financial support is available to those joining us at 11+ who would greatly benefit from attending Habs, but for financial reasons would be unable to make an application.
A place will first need to be offered, based on students meeting the assessment criteria for their entry point.
Families will need to prove financial need by completing a confidential statement of income.
It is possible to gain access to financial support and be offered a scholarship simultaneously.
More about our financial support.
13+ scholarships are available for academic ability, art, design and technology, drama, music and sports.
It is possible to hold a scholarship and gain financial support simultaneously.
More about our scholarships.
If you are interested in joining us in September 2025 for the 16+ entry, please come and visit us on our open evening.
The Sixth Form at Habs Boys and Habs Girls offer state of the art facilities, maximising every opportunity across both schools. Joining us at Sixth Form offers you a fantastic springboard for life after school, so you leave as more interesting and interested individuals, ready to take your place in society.
Eligibility for applying to our Sixth Form, asks for a minimum of nine GCSE’s grade seven and above, including Maths and English (some subjects will require an 8 or 9).
Entry is for candidates aged 16 and below the age of 17 on the 1st September in the year of entry.
If you would like to join our Sixth Form, we ask for nine GCSEs including Maths and English.
In most subjects, we look for a minimum Grade 7 at GCSE. Or, if the A level you want to take is in a subject new to you, then Grade 7 in a relevant/related subject. For some subjects, in order for all of our students to thrive, we have higher GCSE grade requirements:
For the first stage of our selection process, you will need to sit a one-hour general written paper.
If you are planning to study at least one STEM subject at A level (such as Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics or Computer Science), you will also need to sit a one-hour Maths paper.
If you are successful in the written exams, you will be invited to come for interview.
This is a series of structured subject interviews, and you will be asked to demonstrate your knowledge and skills relating to your proposed A level subjects.
We will contact your current school for a Headteacher’s report and your predicted grades at GCSE.
At Habs Boys, our intakes are at specific stages. These are:
Pre-Prep School 4+ (Reception)
Prep School 7+ (Year 3)
Senior School 11+ (Year 7)
Senior School 13+ (Year 9)
Sixth Form 16+.
From time to time, however, places do become available in other year groups. These are called ‘occasional places’.
We ask you to register your interest in the first instance by filling out this form
For entry in September 2025, please fill out the online registration form
In February 2025, we will contact those who have registered their interest to confirm which year groups have occasional places available. At that point, if there is a place available in the year group you are seeking, we will invite you to register formally via our website in the usual way.
The admissions process for occasional places varies according to the Year Group, but generally includes assessments in English and Maths and Non-Verbal reasoning, together with an interview with a member of our senior leadership team.
Assessments take place at the end of February /the beginning of March for entry in September of that year.
Successful candidates will receive an offer before the end of the Spring term.
We welcome applications from overseas students at all our main entry points. We are able to facilitate assessments in your country of residence and will work with your chosen invigilator.
Please note that we are not a licensed Child Student sponsor and all permissions for studying in the UK must be in place.
If you have any enquiries, please email our admissions team in the first instance at admissionsboys@habselstree.org.uk or call us on 020 8266 1700.