Habs Badminton players faced off against Abbey Badminton Club (ABC), a local badminton side.

Four year groups took to the courts; U12, U13, U14 and U15 (Years 7 to 10), playing a mixture of doubles and singles games. In the first set of games, the Habs Year 7 and 8 players both won their year groups, giving Habs a 2-0 lead.

In the next round of matches, the Year 9 and 10s faced more challenging opposition, and a much higher and more consistent level of play was on show. Despite raising their standard of play, and showing enormous determination, both Habs year groups were beaten convincingly.  With a 2-2 tie at this stage the sides were divided by total number of games won across the tournament, with ABC winning overall 29-19.

Overall, it was a fantastic event, which everyone enjoyed. It also provided our players with a better understanding of the level required to be competitive. No doubt this will spur them on for the rematch.

Well done to all those involved and congratulations to Yunfei for being awarded player of the day!