In September a number of students were looking to revitalise Computing Society. The process started slowly, but soon, the society managed to establish excellent connections with Old Haberdashers (OH). Saravanan (OH 2013) is currently the CTO of Monolith AI and was able to provide invaluable advice for competitive programming. This has been one of the deeper connections formed, and Saravanan is still helping students to improve their computational thinking.

Overall, these isolated meetings sparked the rapid growth of the society, and over the course of the year, CompSoc has turned into one of the largest societies in the School, with a membership of over 200 students from the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools.

The society works by progressing and deepening the learning of all students of all ages. This is done by creating different skill levels and goals for each member, currently known as ‘Introduction to Programming’, ‘Intermediate Programming’ and ‘Advanced Concepts’. Through each session students will increase their knowledge and understanding in many different areas of Computer Science, from coding to neural networks and artificial intelligence.

This is a new initiative, which aims to strengthen collaboration between students and allows for autonomous learning. Taking responsibility for their education, students have enjoyed exploring new and developing fields, preparing themselves for the future.