The boys hard work in their PE lessons from the start of the year paid off and led to a fantastic morning of cross country running. Some boys made 5-minute improvements on their times from the start of the year. The boys take great pride in competing for their house which was evident in the courage and determination shown on all the boys’ faces running around the course, it was a delight to witness.  

Unfortunately, this year we were unable to have the parents with us to support the boys on the day, but we did record the run live and many parents logged in to view the boys running.  

Cross-country is a difficult sport to compete in and takes a lot of courage to push yourself to run to the best of your ability. The boys can all be proud of themselves for a putting on a great morning of competitive running. Well done!  


Year Group Third Second First
Year 1 Leon R Maahin P Marc B 
Year 2 Ari S Kabir S Lucas X
Year 3 Axel KG Seth S Luca L
Year 4 Raphael B Lewis X Lucas D
Year 5 Léon M Francis M Xander R
Year 6 Ben O Joseph L Jacob S

More images can be found on Facebook.