World renowned theatre company Complicité, one of the most ground-breaking and influential devising and physical story-telling theatre companies, recently challenged themselves to devise two pieces of theatre under A Level conditions. They invited our Lead Teacher of Drama, Mrs Dawn Morris-Wolffe, to take part in the project, to ensure that the company followed A Level requirements in both practical and written work.
The resulting pieces toured London schools and colleges to audiences of A Level students and film was made of the two week devising process which is available to schools. Mrs Morris-Wollfe said “The film provides an amazing insight into Complicité’s devising process, their ensemble and physical training and sense of play.”
The methodology of Complicité, with their focus on the ensemble and physical, playful storytelling, is at the heart of what the students do in Drama at Habs. Indeed the A Level students frequently choose Complicité as their influential practitioner, most recently in the last A Level devised piece, The Red Ball.