On Thursday 29 April 2021, the Habs Politics Society hosted a Mock London Mayoral Hustings in the Bourne Hall. Members of the Lower Sixth from the Boys’ and Girls’ School represented seven of the candidates for London Mayor with the students facing questions on issues such as violent crime and economic recovery from the pandemic in London with debate coming from the hosts (Daniel (L6R1) and Harry (L6C2)) and the other candidates.

It was a pleasure to welcome approximately 70 members of the Lower Sixth from both schools attended the first in-person Politics Society event of the year alongside more students joining on a Zoom call.

The full list of candidates are below:

  • Conservatives: Kazim (L6C2)
  • Labour: Aryan (L6J1)
  • Lib Dems: Emma Levy
  • Reclaim: George (L6J1)
  • Green: Victoria Pellerani Concha
  • Women’s Equality Party: Priya Mahan
  • Independent (Nikolas Omilana): Demi (L6M2)

By Daniel (L6R1)