“Why a School Diversity Week? Because it asks us to consider others and where we stand on issues and freedom of expression.”
From Monday 22 June, Habs celebrated Diversity Week as part of the School’s enrichment, education and awareness of issues about race, gender, identity and our values as a community. The prime aim has been to reflect upon the Black Lives Matter campaign. The School also affirms support for LGBTQ+ freedoms, hence the logos of Black Lives Matter, Progress Pride and Stonewall School Champions alongside each other this week.
The major events were the two assemblies on anti-racism, given by pupils to their peers in the Middle School and the Sixth Form. These pupils – and one former School Captain – were exceptional in their presentations; frank, honest, dignified and composed. Tamilore Awosile (OH 2019), Dayo (Year 12), Malcolm (Year 10), Tolu (Year 13), Abim (Year 10), Jamar (Year 12), Samadi (Year 9) and Jonathan (Year 11) deserve our heartfelt thanks and respect.
The week started with a ‘Speak Out’ competition for the whole of Year 7 and Year 8. After an opening Zoom talk on why we support and promote diversity, pupils had the day to create and record 90 second ‘speak outs’ on the challenges, benefits or heroes of diversity. The calibre of the entries was incredible. The finale was a brilliant event and the quality of public speaking and content was very high. The winner was Freddie in Joblings. His speech was original, articulate and persuasive. And he did it from his garden, using examples from nature!
The ever popular HabsDashGo! was transformed into ‘RaibowDashGo!’, as it has been before. Each of the School’s House Captains led by example, running 3.5km to kickstart the campaign with a determination to show that sport is everyone’s game at Habs!
There was also a separate HabsDashGo! session dedicated to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Other events during the week included protest poetry writing, poster design and a fantastic ‘Heart and Home’ Cookery Club task bringing together favourite and meaningful recipes. Resources for reading and educating ourselves about Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ support have further enhanced understanding and commitment. Form time throughout the week has been spent reflecting on what diversity and inclusion means and we will continue our efforts into the future.
Habs can, and will, do more!