Rohan (U6J2) has been named as this year’s winner of the Schroders Economics Prize.
This is an essay competition open to all economists across the Haberdashers family of schools – entries are typically written by Lower Sixth students over the summer holiday prior to the Upper Sixth year.
This year’s essay title was: ‘Fiscal policy is the only ammunition authorities have to combat a global downturn given the current level of interest rates. Discuss.’
Mr Catley received 10 entries and chose the essays by Rohan, Aniket (U6H2) and Edward (U6R1) as the top three to submit for external judging. 
At a lunch at Haberdashers Hall on 21 January 2020, Rohan received first prize, whilst Aniket was named second runner-up. The boys are pictured with Caroline Davis, Master of The Haberdashers’ Company.