The fine weather allowed the Scrub Bashers to tackle the bramble and hawthorn surrounding the Old Habs sports ground. 24 boys and seven staff equipped with shears, loppers and rakes threw themselves into the activity with some impressive results.

There was a great spirit amongst the boys who worked well within their groups to clear a very large area. Breaks were short and few but everyone stuck to the task at hand. Best Basher award went to Mr Handley who worked through the first rest break!
Many thanks to Miss Biggerstaff and Mrs Tyerman for organising the trip and those staff who supported it; Mr Coleman, Mr Bown, Dr Krishnadasan, Mr Hardman, Mr Charlwood.

List of boys who attended:
Luis (11C1)
Niall (11M1)
Oliver (11R2)
Jacob (11J1)
Jacob (11M1)
Ben (11R1)
Zaid (11C2)
Leandro (11S2)
Jonathan (11H2)
Alfie (11C1)
Callum (11S2)
Om (11S2)
Daniel (11S2)
Thomas (11C1)
Keshav (11H2)
Veylan (11J2)
Xavier (11J2)
Adithya (11S1)
Solomon (11J2)
Andre (11C2)
Oluwademilade (11M2)
Alex (11R2)
Bryan Obar (11S1)