The 21st staging of the annual Haberdashers’ Aske’s Golf Day will be held on Saturday 7 September 2019, at Mill Hill Golf Club, with tee-times from 2:20pm, with supper and prize-giving to follow at approximately 7:30pm.
The entry fees for this year will be £50 for adults, £45 for pupils, which includes 18 holes of competitive golf, a buffet supper and prizes. The day is open to pupils (Prep and Senior School), staff, parents, Old Haberdashers and parents of Old Haberdashers. Handicap certificates are not required, but golfers should be capable of playing to a maximum handicap of 28 (male) and 36 (female).
This year with a weekend date and a new venue close to School, we hope to encourage a larger field of golfers to compete for “The Elstree Trophy”, won last year by Mrs Lena Wang with 40 stableford points. Prizes will again be awarded for nearest the pin, longest drive, and best parent and pupil combined score.
Pupils will again compete for trophies in both scratch and handicap categories, as introduced in 2005. All other players will compete for “The Elstree Trophy”. As in recent years, official EGU handicaps will apply on the day on production of a current handicap certificate. Handicaps for all other players will be calculated according to the Callaway system, more details of which can be found at

We are now able to take payment for this event via our new booking system:

All payments must be made no later than Friday 23 August, so that start times may be published and so that final numbers may be given to the Golf Club in advance.

If interested, please email to advise when payment has been made so that Mr Ward can keep an up to date record of entrants (and contact details) during the summer holiday. Please also let Mr Ward know of any vegetarian meals required.

Details of how to find the golf course and starting times will be sent out and published to participants once the number of entrants is finalised.