The school’s Design and Technology department are delighted to announce that three students; Noah (L6S2), Joel (L6J1) and Roshan (L6R2) have all been awarded one of the prestigious Arkwright Scholarships.

Scholars are selected for their potential as future engineering leaders by assessing their academic, practical and leadership skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). These are assessed through a rigorous selection process comprising of an assessed application form including, teacher’s supporting reference and an interview conducted by a panel of engineers. The in-depth interview asked candidates about their career aspirations and had to discuss an engineering project they had conducted.

The scholarships support future engineering students through their Sixth Form studies and encourage them into top universities or higher apprenticeships. The scholarships consist of an annual financial award to each recipient and to the school, and a range of enrichment activities, such as mentoring and industry visits, that enhance their experience of engineering and technical design in a real-world context. 

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are very highly regarded by universities and industry and are one of the most prestigious accolades that a talented Sixth Form students pursuing a career in engineering can achieve.