The year 3 team enjoyed a fantastic camp in Hab’s grounds on Wednesday night after a whole day of outdoor activities led by Mike Harwin from Adventures Into. They made keyrings from Hazel wood, constructed shelters, made journey sticks from a walk round our nature trail, cooked on a fire in our Solai Outdoor Classroom, put up their tents and tried a bushtucker trial. Here are some of the boys comments from their group reflection activity the day after:
- The Tug-O-War game really got us working as a team.
- I learnt how to aim in archery and to make myself safe.
- We learnt how to overcome fear when doing our bushtucker trial.
- I didn’t know that I would be able to put up my own tent.
- I have learnt what an owl pellet is and how to be an owl detective.
The boys returned to school on Friday ready to transfer some of these skills to their academic work where they designed a superhero and began planning for a story where their character overcame a fear or challenge. In Maths they took on an investigation looking at probability where they used their team skills, determination and resilience, to explore and draw conclusions.
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