We are sad to report the passing of Simon Gelber (OH 1973) on New Year’s Day, having suffered a heart attack over Christmas.  
Simon was a true stalwart of Old Haberdashers sports and the Old Haberdashers Association and his enthusiasm and love for life could not do anything but positively affect those around him in a multitude of ways. As President of the Old Haberdashers Cricket Club his exuberant influence can never be underestimated, inspiring as he did a wonderful Haberdashers institution and welcoming all to join its ranks in a true spirit of friendship across the generations.
To celebrate Simon’s life, there will be a special event at the School on Saturday 8 February, beginning at 11.30am to which all are very much invited and encouraged to attend. If you would like more details please do not hesitate to contact the HABS Foundation (Foundation@habsboys.org.uk).