The Art department were excited to welcome Darcy Turner who provided a workshop to Year 11 and 13 Art students. 

Our students were fascinated by Darcy Turner’s techniques and were completely absorbed all day. The morning began with an introduction from Darcy before students got the opportunity to look at some of his incredible sculptures. Then, those involved in the workshop started assembling 3D metal sculptures, inspired by their own individual projects. This allowed students to test their ability to accurately follow instructions and problem-solve in equal measure. Following this each student built up the form, refining detail and finally adding Darcy’s custom silver strip to fill the form. The process taught students to leave their comfort zone in their artwork; it was the radically different technique that showed students there are many ways to express yourself through art.

Darcy’s patient and helpful approach was extremely useful as it gave students confidence to ask questions, and accept it is OK to make mistakes! It was a brilliant day for all involved.