With academic enquiry that readily reaches far above A level standard and even into original research, our students explored questions of anti-zionism in orthodox Jewish communities, identifying fake news using machine learning, campaign finance reform and the thought of John Locke, curing heart disease using C-Cure, an analysis of circadian rhythms and the school day and the geometry of circles, to name but a few.
The Aske Project requires that students independently research a question of their own choosing over a period of six months. As verified by our external markers and viva examiners, our students achieve undergraduate standards of research and their projects demonstrate their curiosity, innovative and critical thinking, all framed within high standards of research methodology. The process, alongside their A Level studies, prepares them exceptionally well for university.
All our Lower Sixth students undertake an Aske Project and, with the guidance of an advisor, students present work that makes logical and judicious use of a wide range of sources to which our Library team provides extensive access. Many also undertake primary research or produce original pieces of writing or multi-media presentations.
We are very proud of all of our students, both for their commitment to academic enquiry and for the stunning results that their hard work achieves. Many congratulations to them all.
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