Friday 1st May was not only Mufti Day at the school, but also the Annual Battle of the Bands concert. Both events were to raise awareness and money for three charities: Spotlight on Africa, Kids Care Tanazania and Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.

With Meadows, Hendersons and the school charity all joining forces to provide a feast for the mouth and ears, one would be forgiven for losing sight of the reasons behind Battle of the Bands. Including the cake sale, mufti-day and donations inside the concert, we have raised £1700 for three very worthy causes.

With 23 performers, 4 bands, 20 prefects, 20 bakers, 3 technicians and over 200 viewers, there are too many people to thank individually.

Thank you to everyone who helped organise the event as well as everyone who donated, wore mufti and bought cake. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of hundreds of others, and hopefully having a good time in the process.