The use of foodbanks increased enormously due to Covid-19 and the resulting economic difficulties experienced by many. It was especially vital that the foodbanks are kept well stocked in order to help families in the run up to Christmas.

At Habs we are committed to offering our students the opportunity to support the local community especially at such a challenging time. Inspired and coordinated by Mr Metcalf, our Strouts Head of House and Head of Rugby, the School therefore collected donations for the Trussell Trust foodbank at St Theresa’s Church and the WD6 food and toybank located at the Old Haberdashers’ Association Clubhouse on Croxdale Road, a place with a very special connection to the OH community.








Following an overwhelmingly generous response from our school families, we are delighted to extend this initiative to include the Old Haberdashers community for one week until Friday 11 December. If you would like to make a donation to the Borehamwood Foodbank (and can travel safely to school), please follow the instructions below. As you will understand, there are strict protocols in operation to keep our pupils safe, and currently external visitors are not allowed on school premises, so we urge you to adhere to the following instructions…

How to Donate 

There are blue wheelie bins located in Coach Park shelter at The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School.

Please drive in and place your items in these bins between 10am – 2pm until Friday 11 December. 

It is vital that you do not leave the Coach Park and you do not enter school premises. Please do not donate outside of the designated times and please maintain social distancing, wearing a face covering at all times. We thank you for your co-operation.

Food Items to Donate

Jam/marmalade, tinned vegetables, instant mash potatoes, breakfast cereals, tinned rice pudding, tinned fruit, tinned fish, tinned hot dogs, Fray Bentos pies, tinned meat, tinned stews and tinned sausages.

Toys to Donate

New or nearly new toys to give local children whose parents use food banks something to get excited about over the festive period. Ideally, these toys should be boxed in their original packaging but don’t worry if the box is no longer available, providing the toy is clean and in good condition it will be most gratefully received.

Your contributions will make a big difference to families in Borehamwood and we thank you in advance for your generosity.