On 20 June, Habs Elstree Schools held their first Environmental Sustainability Conference, an event that brought together the entire school community along with parents, governors and special guests from The Haberdashers’ Company. The conference aimed to address crucial environmental issues and engage all students in sustainability practices.
The conference was designed with several key objectives in mind, with some of those being to heighten awareness of sustainability issues and the future of our planet; to challenge the thinking of young people and understand the extent of the negative implications environmental damage can have on the world we live in. Last but not least, a key aim was to form and agree on clear and actionable steps for our community.
We were thrilled to be joined by five industry keynote speakers who gave insightful presentations. The speakers covered a vast range or sectors allowing us to consider:
- what a 2 degree world could look like
- how the hospitality industry has an opportunity to improve our impact on people and the planet
- exploring the UK’s route to becoming net zero and how the construction industry is playing their part
- the journey of ethical and sustainable beauty businesses and the rise of the ethical consumer
- and finally, the impacts of climate change on the travel and tourism industry
The day featured a range of insightful activities, showing students practical applications of sustainability principles and the opportunity to fully understand the impact each of them have.
The conference concluded with the General Assembly for all year groups, across both Habs Girls and Habs Boys. During this session, staff and students undertook a live vote, concreting Habs Elstree Schools’ new sustainable pledges, being put into practice with immediate effect!
- Energy – I will support the reduction of electricity usage in school, by 10% over the next three terms – 962 votes
- Transport – I will fully support a push for car-sharing and the use of mass transit, at least once a week – 928 votes
- Waste – I will fully support the reduction of food waste by 50%, over the coming academic year – 907 votes
- Litter – I will use recycling bins fully in school, to support a reduction in landfill rubbish by 25% – 885 votes
- School Grounds – I will support the reduction of dropped litter collected by the Estates Team by 95% over the coming academic year – 739 votes
Across the eight pledges, we received a total of 2011 votes!
The Habs Elstree Schools’ Environmental Sustainability Conference was a huge success and emphasised to all students on the importance of our commitment to environmental action. The pledges and ideas shared during the conference will guide our efforts to create a more sustainable future moving forward. Thank you for everyone who participated.
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