Habs Boys and Girls share many things: our founder, Robert Aske; a one-hundred acre site on the outskirts of North London; a reputation for excellence, both inside and beyond the classroom; and now a shared vision, mission and strategy for the future.
After an extensive and far-reaching review, the Governing body of our two Schools has developed an exciting and ambitious strategy for the next 10 years. This strategy is designed to ensure that our students leave us equipped to succeed and flourish in an increasingly global and technologically driven workplace.
Simon Cartmell OBE, Chair of Governors, comments: “The Schools’ leadership teams and Governors are excited by this vision for the future education of students in our care. We believe this path will be in the best interests of all involved, particularly the young people we are entrusted to prepare for success in their future lives.”
Read the headlines of ‘Our Strategy 2020-2030’ here…