Over October half term, 29 Year 10 boys completed their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Expedition over three days in the local area, whilst a separate group of seven Year 13 completed their Gold expedition.

Whilst the countryside around the School may seem quite benign in comparison to the Peak District or the Brecon Beacons where the expeditions should have taken place the weather conditions and the navigation certainly tested the boys.

No sooner had the boys on walking expeditions left, 12 boys from Year 12 arrived to complete the skills training for a Gold canoe venture.  The boys enjoyed two days at Rickmansworth Sailing club with some very mixed weather conditions. 

The last day was spent paddling north on the Grand Union Canal, a lovely journey to cover some water-based navigation. A significant amount of work was done on team-building, communications and awareness of others. 

It is hoped that with a refresher day in the spring these boys will be ready for their qualifying venture. 

On the last Friday of half term, six boys from the CCF RN section attended a British Canoeing Foundation Safety and Rescue Training course at Rickmansworth Sailing Club. We all had a very wet and cold day with lots of fun in and out of the water. 

Staff members were most impressed with the leadership displayed by Krystjan (L6C1) and Oscar (L6C1) and their willingness to lend a hand whenever needed. Alex (L6S1), Kazim (L6C2), Noah (L6J1) and Lucas (L6H1) were all great team-members and energetic and enthused students.