The return to School brought with it new challenges for many departments. Accustomed to co-curricular ensembles, which are organised by ability and therefore involve a range of year groups, the Music department now has a host of smaller ensembles organised by year. For the School’s senior years, the Music department has created bubbles of about 16, with careful social distancing to allow musicians to be fully stretched still. The Music department has also produced smaller chamber ensembles as subsets of the larger bubbles.
There have of course been no live concerts, nor are there likely to be for some time yet. Since just before half term, staff in the Music department have been recording performances by students during their normal rehearsal time, and then releasing them as videos every Monday. They have named this series Monday Means Music!
Monday Means Music is posted out via the School social media channels. Take a look on the School’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.
While it is not the same as a live concert, it has given the boys a valuable focus, and has also given them an opportunity to hear themselves playing. The students have continued to produce performances of a high calibre and the School looks forward to the time when they can all be welcomed back into the Bourne or Seldon Halls with a live audience.
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