The boys in Year 6 went back in time on Thursday 19 November as they re-lived what life was like for a soldier in the trenches during World War One through the medium of Virtual Reality.
Richie, was the knowledgeable and engaging tour guide for the students, dressed in military uniform. He led a series of fascinating workshops covering trench routine and daily life, going ‘over the top,’ describing what soldiers would have done for a gas attack and finally an explanation of the medical treatment in the trenches.
The students were also shown a variety of historical artefacts including a ‘Brodie’ helmet, soldier’s pack, gas mask, rifle, a ‘Five Nine,’ shell casing and shrapnel. The boys were buzzing with enthusiasm and the workshop slotted in perfectly with their analysis of World War One poetry, providing them with a deeper and richer level of understanding.
The School would like to thank Riche, Nick and the Time Travel Education team!
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