Congratulations to Felix (8M2), who over the summer was selected to represent the East Region in a national triathlon competition called the IRC – Inter Regional Championships. This year, the competition was held at Roker Beach in Sunderland, from Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 August.

On Saturday 20 August, Felix’s category raced an aquathlon (swim and run) which involved heats and finals just three hours apart. Felix’s heat started at 8am and was a mass beach start into the North Sea which was c15 degrees. Felix came 7th in the heat and got into the A Finals, meaning Felix came in the top 20 competitors in T2! Felix then came 13th in the national final.

The next day, Sunday 21 August, was the relays and this time competitors did a full triathlon (swim, bike and run). Felix came 3rd in the swim, with the 1st place competitor being in T2 (13 to 14 year olds). Overall, Felix’s team came 8th.

Well done, Felix!