Science Book Week took place from Monday 14 to Friday 18 March 2016 and gave Sixth Form scientists the opportunity to organise and lead a variety of exciting events for the School community to enjoy. 

On Monday, the Science Society organised a colloquium on the topic of ‘Popular Science: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ in the brand new Olympian Suite in the Medburn Centre. Chaired by Shamil Shah, we heard from Mikey Amissah and Dylan Dissanayake on the positive contributions of science in books, journalism and film culture, followed by Adiyant Lamba and Jacob Knight on the negative aspects of science in these media. 

The Sixth Form were treated to a student-led assembly on Tuesday morning, where Jacob Knight, Adiyant Lamba and Shamil Shah discussed their favourite science books and hosted a quiz. 

On Thursday, the editors of SCOPE, the School’s scientific journal, presented articles from last year’s edition and announced the theme of ‘Chaos’ for this year’s edition, which will be published later this year. Friday morning saw tutor groups from Year 7 right through to the Upper Sixth taking part in a form time Science Book Quiz, created by Mrs Letts, Theo Lewy and Mikey Amissah. The winning forms will received edible treats!

Thanks must go to all of the boys involved, as well as Dr Hobbs, Head of Science, who was invaluable in making Science Book Week such a success.