There were multiple activities going on across the school and throughout the year groups for our School Community Service members.
Wildlife Support: The students spent the day making and varnishing swift boxes which we hope to have put up around the school site soon. We were so pleased to see just how enthusiastic the pupils were about this on Friday and their finished boxes are very impressive! Many thanks to Mr Ryan, Mr Roncarati, Oliver (L6C2) and Kairav (L6C2) for leading on this.
Recycling: Mr Hughes-Caley put together a brilliant programme (below) aimed to inspire the group and enable them time to move forward with their whole school plastic recycling initiative. Mr Hughes-Caley and the pupils have big plans for this which will have a huge impact on our school community and environment. Thank you to Mr Hughes-Caley for organising the day and also to Adi (11S1) for the fantastic photos!
Scrub Bashing at Old Habs Sports Ground: A group of Year 12 students headed up by Mr Haring helped to clear the overgrowth at Old Habs Sports Ground. This is something we have supported them with for a couple of years now and they are always extremely grateful. It was wonderful to see good attendance from our Year 12 students and all had an enjoyable day despite the rain.
Forty Hall Community Work: Many thanks to Ally who led a group of Year 10 and 11 students. The group spent the day with community volunteers at Forty Hall working in the vineyard.
Outgrown Uniform Sale Preparations: Mrs Haria’s group spent the day sorting and organising the many bundles of donated school uniform and continued with their preparations for the sale. All profit will go to the school’s bursary funds and we are hoping to smash the total raised at the very first Boys’ Senior School sale back in the Autumn Term.
Inter House Football: Mr Hails leads our Sports SCS group. Not only did they receive very positive feedback for their refereeing last Saturday, but I hear that their help to set up and run the inter house football competition on Friday was invaluable. Thank you to Mr Hails and all involved.
Lost Property: Mrs West spent Friday and Saturday sorting through and washing the huge back log of lost property. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs West delivered many school coats, shoes, football boots, shirts, water bottles and pencil cases to a local secondary school. They were extremely grateful for our support and have over 35% pupil premium. All unnamed Habs branded clothing will go into the Outgrown uniform sale which takes place in the Old Refectory on 18 March. We also plan to donate unusable clothing items to MENCAP as they receive money for rags and a large number of towels to a local animal rescue centre once these have been sorted. Mr Hughes-Caley and his recycling group have also taken care of the recycling of unusable water bottles.
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