On Friday evening there was a real buzz around the Medburn Centre as 23 staff boarded minibuses and departed on the long drive to King’s youth hostel near Dolgellau in Snowdonia. We arrived in the dark, so it wasn’t until Saturday morning when the sun rose on a beautiful day that the wonderful Welsh landscape could be seen, and the remoteness of the location really appreciated. There were a wide range of expectations and walking experiences in the group, so the magnificent Cadair Idris, our aim for the day, looming in the distance elicited a range of emotions. However, everyone was determined that they would reach the summit, a walk of nine miles with an elevation gain of close to 900m (admittedly no one had really asked this before we starting walking).
We set out as one group, walking along a riverside through some beautiful ancient forest. Around a mile in, the group split into two, with one taking a steadier, longer route. The other the more direct path involving scrabbling up scree slopes. Either way it was a tough ascent, but one that was filled with laughter, encouragement and interesting tales about the mountain. Despite the different routes, the teams were reunited at the top, arriving within a few minutes of each other. Here we were able to share the excitement, the views, and lunch together in the sun. “Wow” is the only word!
We all took the same route back to the hostel, enjoying the scenery, camaraderie and common experience. After a little recovery time to refresh, the evening was spent sharing exploits and funny tales around the dinner table at the youth hostel, followed by a campfire with marshmallows and other treats. Sunday was spent travelling back, but only after a short a detour to Fairbourne beach to get some sea air and to stretch weary legs. We arrived back late on Sunday afternoon, tired but still buzzing from the weekend.
Written by Dr Adrian Chapman