On Sunday 5 February, the Habs team ‘Sherlock Ohms’, comprising of Daniel-Samuel, Fola, Matthew, Alex, and James, participated in the annual safe-cracking competition run by the Weizmann Institute of Science. The team travelled to Dulwich College to compete against 17 other teams from top schools from around the country.
Teams were tasked with designing a safe based on two principles of physics. Each team had to be able to open their own safe in under 5 minutes but needed to keep their opponents stumped for at least 10. The competition was judged by a panel of experts, including three PhD students from the Weizmann Institute.
The team produced an ingenious safe based on the principles of acoustic levitation and gravitational ion traps that withstood three of five cracking attempts from opposing teams. They also managed to break into three of the five competitor safes which they were tasked with cracking.
The team placed 3rd and also won the best newcomer prize; they hope this success will inspire boys and girls across both schools to compete in the future.
As a result of their success, they are excited to be travelling to Israel on the Sunday 19 March to compete in the international competition against winning schools from many countries, including China, America, and Canada.
The Sherlock Ohms team would like to thank the physics departments in both the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, as well as the Design and Technology department at the Boys’ School. In particular, they would like to thank Mr Vincent and Mr Ryan for their generosity with their time and materials.