It’s two weeks since the start of term and our Year 3 are having the time of their lives.
Whether it’s exploring the woodland area or sprinting down the sports pitches, they’re making the most of every opportunity.
Blessed with a blast of Autumn sun, we spoke to five of them to find out what they’ve been up to.
We’re in the woodland area and a chorus of ducks have just interrupted Colin’s rehearsal.
Tasked with crafting a song about forest school, Colin’s taking the job very seriously.
‘It’s to calm people and encourage them to back to the woods.’ he says. ‘We’re trying to work on Ishaan’s voice while I hit the beats.’
Elsewhere, Krit is on the playing fields, darting around with a rugby ball.
Hopping over obstacles and weaving between poles, we catch him for a split second.
‘We’re doing an agility test’ he explains, keen to dash back to his friends, ‘We’re also playing matches. It’s really fun!’
Cooling off from the sun, Reuben’s joined chess club – and is thrilled to have switched from matches played over Zoom to the real thing.
Keen to tell us all about his latest match, he fills us in on the details.
‘My friend won by one point, but on the last second I captured his queen. I took it with a pawn! I really enjoy playing chess with my friends.’
Finally we catch up with Felix, who’s been playing football in the playground with some of the other Year 3.
Grateful to be in school and meeting new people, Felix has a lot to say about friendship.
‘I really enjoyed football, with Aran, Seth and Lucas.’ he says, ‘And I’ve made a lot friends. Some of them have come from different classes!’
Thrilled to be back
We are excited to welcome our new Year 3 starters, we wish them the very best for the year ahead – and thank them for sharing their wonderful experiences!