The Year 3 boys have had a successful first rugby season and have proven that they have the potential to be a very talented year group. For many of the boys this has been their first experience of playing organised games of rugby and we as a staff have been impressed by their enthusiasm towards Games lessons, as well as their desire to continuously enhance their existing skill set.



Almost all of the boys in Year 3 have had the opportunity to represent the school and this has really assisted them in acquiring a greater positional awareness and game understanding.  These are vital skills for school sport in the future. They have made excellent progress as the term has developed and there have been some very encouraging performances, most notably in the final fixture of the season against Belmont. I have been particularly delighted to hear that numerous boys have begun to attend regular sessions at local rugby clubs, and this will stand them in good stead for the contact rugby they will play in Year 4. I look forward to seeing how they progress next year.

We would like to thank all of the Year 3 parents for their continued support this term. It is very much appreciated by both the boys and the staff. Well done Year 3!