Friday 17 May saw the first ever fixtures for Habs Boys’ U12 D and E cricket teams. The two newly formed teams played Queen Elizabeth’s Barnet, and the rain just held off as the D and E teams saw victory against their opponents. 

At Habs, we regularly field A, B, and C teams in each age group, but this is the first time we have had a D and an E team at U12 level. This is an initiative we hope to develop further, and this undoubtedly reflects the strength and depth of cricket at Habs, which augurs well for the future of the sport at the School. There are, on average, 70 boys in Year 7 who attend net practices, where they receive expert advice from our coaching staff. 

We hope the successes of these first games continues for the boys, and wish all teams the best of luck for the remaining season.  

 The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School v Queen Elizabeth’s Barnet

U12D                           Queen Elizabeth’s Barnet                   90 for 7 (20 overs)
                         The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School        91 for 4

                                   Habs win by 6 wickets

U12E                           Queen Elizabeth’s Barnet                   65 for 4 (16 overs)
                         The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School        67 for 1

                                   Habs win by 9 wickets