With half-term in sight, we caught up with a few of our Year 7 to see how they’ve found the first few weeks.
Whether out on the hockey pitch or practising drama, they’ve really made the most of every opportunity.
Read on to find out what five of them have been up to!
One of the highlights for Ravjoth has been sport. Every Thursday lunchtime, rain or shine, he’s out on the AstroTurf practising with the hockey team.
Today he’s working on his long range passing, as well as shooting.
‘I’ve really enjoyed hockey so far.’ He says, ‘I’ve got much better at my passing and dribbling. Because I’ve got fast hands, I’ve found I can change the side I hit the ball with pretty quickly. It’s been great so far.’
Meanwhile, Lucas has chosen to develop his drama skills.
Forming a circle in the drama studio, the boys are playing a game called ‘Sevens’.
‘We’re looking at games in theatre,’ he says, ‘because you’ve got to learn discipline and always be ready. Sevens tests your reaction skills, since you always need to be ready to respond on the stage.’
Choosing to break a sweat, Matthews has opted to go running in HabsDash.
Our weekly running competition organized by Mr Broadwith, HabsDash a focus on community, inclusivity and participation.
‘I got my best time today’, Matthews says, ‘And I’m trying to run 100km in total by the end of year. It’s a really fun way to exercise.’ He adds ‘We want Meadows to be top this year, because at the moment we’re in second place. We’re not that far from Russells!’
By contrast, Aryan has stayed behind after school to join the School Debating Society.
Participating in a balloon debate, he’s taken on the role of Leonardo Da Vinci. The current goal? Trying to defend why he’s the most important person to have lived!
Aryan says ‘The thing I like about debating is that it’s like an argument – but with your friends! It’s so nice to see each other’s point of view and to learn how others think.’
Finally, we join Noaz, who has selected Bridge Club as his lunchtime option.
Listening to Mr Haring, the boys are playing a beginner’s version of bridge called ‘Whist’. After explaining the rules, Noaz says:
‘I’ve always enjoyed playing card games, like UNO and Go Fish, with my family – so I decided to go along. I like learning new tactics: we learnt one called Dummies, where you play for your partner if you have more cards and points.’
A term to remember
What all our boys have taken away is a sense that there’s something for everyone here.
From lunchtime clubs to after school societies, Habs always has a place to broaden horizons, meet new people – and have a great deal of fun along the way!
We congratulate all our Year 7 starters for making the most of this half-term, and wish them all the best for a well-earned break.