A group of Year 9 students recently went on an exciting week in Paris as part of the first leg of the French exchange with the Collège de l’Alma. We are fortunate to have this incredible partnership with the school in Paris, which provides our students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in French culture and language.

During their time in Paris, the students participated in lessons at the Collège de l’Alma, where they sharpened their French language skills and gained insights into the French educational system. The week was filled with enriching experiences, including visits to iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Métro Abbesses and La Défense.

In addition to sightseeing, the students stayed with host families, experiencing authentic French culture. From enjoying home-cooked meals to seeing the daily lives of their host families, the students embraced every opportunity to deepen their understanding of French traditions and way of life.

The feedback from everyone involved has been overwhelmingly positive making us even more excited to welcome the French students for the return leg of the exchange in June.

We are proud to have an extensive range of educational visits and trips that take place every year, offering a wide range of opportunities for students, whatever piques their interest. Visit our trips page to get a taste of our offering and previous trips.

Métro Abbesses
La Défense
Tour Eiffel