On Friday 5 July, the School was delighted to welcome students from The Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls, Hasmonean High School for Girls, Queens’ School and St Michael’s Catholic College to our 2019 Economics Day. 
The first talk of the day was delivered by Mr Allister Heath, editor of the Sunday Telegraph. His guide to the current state of the UK economy emphasised the global context: the downturn in manufacturing the country is experiencing is being seen in many other leading economies. This was a timely reminder that whatever Brexit party the country ultimately pursues, the UK’s prosperity will continue to be heavily influenced by events elsewhere.

Our second speaker was founder of the Travelex Group, Sir Lloyd Dorfman. Students were fascinated by the insight into his long and varied career in business and the key qualities needed to be a successful entrepreneur. It was equally important to hear how he had taken the opportunity, created by business success, to undertake a good deal of philanthropic activity.

After the mid-morning break, we had our great debate on what should be the most important macroeconomic objective for the new prime minister. Chaired by Dr St John, this was closely fought contest and the conference chairman, Aniket Chakravorty, finally prevailed by dint of his passionate espousal of low and stable inflation.

The event closed with a session led by our own Mr Raatz, considering the extent to which conventional Economics can tackle growing concerns about the environment.

The School would like to thank all those who were involved for creating such a memorable event, and to the students for helping create such interesting and lively discussions with our visitors.