A small group of Habs Sixth Form students have continued their involvement in a community initiative set forth by the School: Bookyboxes.
Working from a list provided by Director of Partnerships, Mr Joshua Plotkin, the students each chose a high-quality text and worked with Mr Plotkin to create a guided reading resource to go with them.
Each finished Bookybox contains a text, a set of student-made resources, discussion questions and a fun, relevant item. The Sixth Form students have even made videos of themselves reading their favourite section of the book and the resources include links to such recordings.
Primary schools might use the boxes to support reading in a small group of students; send boxes home with PP students or provide work for students isolating to name but a few scenarios.15 completed boxes have already been delivered to two local primary schools, with another collection ready to go.
Well done to all those who are involved!
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